Lees a.u.b. onderstaande tekst. Al ruim een week zit het CDR zonder water i.v.m. kapotte waterleiding. De nood is zeer hoog. Misschien door de gemeente te mailen komt er sneller actie. Alvast dank!

Please can you all send an email - copy and paste below - to the address grafeionomarxi@kerkyra.gr

Dear Mr. Trepeklis!

I send you this urgent message, because the Corfu Donkey Rescue is in big trouble.

There are 62 old, sick and unwanted donkeys at CDR & a lot of people do their best,to make the rest of the donkey's live as comfortable as possible. All the people work for free and very hard.

Since 7 days, the water pipe between the CDR&the mainroad is damaged - and has not been repaired yet.

The 62 donkeys need at least 600 liters of water/day plus water to clean the stabels,wash tools, pots & they need water to prepare the food…

At the moment, the helpers have to go to Doukades twice a day, to get water from the people in small tanks. Imagine the difficulties!

Please, can you force, that the water-pipe is going to be repaired as soon as possible, otherwise the donkeys will suffer very quickly, because they are already in a very serious condition!

Also -

Thank you very much for your support!

Best regards

“Friends of Corfu Donkey Rescue” - find us on facebook